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Career Development Center


Career Development Center can assist students in achieving a successful start by providing tailored resources 和支持.  Follow these steps to set yourself up for a strong start.

1:  Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one advising session to address individual career goals, and to receive personalized guidance throughout the career development process. 我们是来帮忙的 :

  • Career Exploration: We can discuss your career interests and help you develop a plan 实现你的目标. We also offer career assessments to help you with choosing a major and making career decisions.
  • Resume and Cover Letter assistance: Help you to build your college resume and review documents such as resumes, cover letters, and personal statements.
  • Internship and Job Search 支持:  We will assist you in finding internship and job opportunities through job postings, career fairs, and employer connections.  
  • Networking, interviewing, graduate and professional school, and more…

Appointments are available for Skidmore students and alumni to meet with career advisors in-person, via phone, or Zoom. 请 schedule via 握手 or call 518-580-5790 to set up an appointment.

2:  Attend workshops, panels, and networking events.

  • Skill building workshops and presentations:  We offer workshops on writing resumes, networking, internship and job search.
  • 面板 & Networking 事件:  We offer events both on and off campus where students can meet alumni in their fields of interest.
  • Recruiting events:  We host employers on-campus, virtually and off-campus throughout the year in a variety of industries.  
  • 所有事件都是 握手列表, and are promoted via flyers, emails, and more.

3:  Use the resources available on our website to get started.

  • 握手: Access 30,000+ job and internship listings 通过握手. First-time users should enter your full Skidmore e-mail address and select 忘记了密码 要登录. Make sure to set your profile preferences with your career interests to receive targeted information from the Career Development Center 这个系统. 请 note, you won’t be able to apply for opportunities until you upload your resume to the My Documents tab.  
  • CEI实习: This website provides up to date information on over 3,000 organizations offering internships and summer jobs for students. Opportunities are organized into e-books including community and social service agencies, international affairs, advertising, top companies, media, sports, sustainability, law & 政策、历史 & 博物馆, 人权.
  • What Can I Do With This Major is a great resource for those that are looking to connect their academics to the 工作的世界.  
  • 简历 & 求职信指南 is full of sample documents and tips that can help a student get started.