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Skidmore College

How to Write an Anti-Racism Action Plan with Kasey Catlett 

工作人员 & Faculty Workshop
9 - 10 a.m. & 中午至下午1时.m.

We are called in the current moment to actively move from non-racist thinking to anti-racist actions - moving from theory to practice. This session will focus on how 工作人员和 faculty can create and work towards anti-racist efforts within the classroom and 课程. 员工及faculty will navigate the “How to Write an Anti-Racism Action Plan Guidebook”, and learn ways to incorporate it into their areas of influence.

REGISTER 9-10 a.m.      REGISTER NOON-1 P.M.


Student Workshop
2 - 3 p.m.

We are called in the current moment to actively move from non-racist thinking to anti-racist actions - moving from theory to practice. This session will focus on how students can create and work towards anti-racist efforts within their classrooms, student organizations, and institutions. Students will navigate the “How to Write an Anti-Racism Action Plan Guidebook”, and learn ways to incorporate it into their areas of influence.



Kasey CatlettKasey Catlett serves as the Director for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. He serves on a number of working groups and committees at the College, including the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Implementation Team, LGBTQIA+ Policy & Procedure Task Force, Student Emergency 援助 Committee, the Bias Response Team, Accessible Technology Working Group, and the Mission & Identity Committee. 

Kasey has previously worked professionally in Multicultural Affairs, LGBTQIA+ Programs & 资源, Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Advocacy, Sexual Health Education, and Gender Equity Initiatives.

Kasey received his Master of Education degree in Adult and Higher Education and Bachelor of Arts in Letters from the University of Oklahoma.

Read The College of the Holy Cross Anti-Racism Action Plan Guidebook