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Skidmore College
Grants at Skidmore College

The Office of Foundation and Corporate Relations: 基金会和企业关系办公室与火博体育合作 学院的教职员工、管理人员、校友和朋友,以获得外部资金 国家,地区和地方基金会和公司为校园优先事项和 programs. 我们所做的工作有助于学院提供新的创新项目, 支持教师主导的倡议,扩大课程,加强物理工厂 and improve the quality of life for our community.

Office of Sponsored Research: 赞助研究办公室的使命是为教师提供 支持和资源需要资助和管理他们的创造性,学术性,和 research endeavors. The Office provides high-quality services to the Skidmore community 目标是增加外部资助的单个教师研究经费 同时确保遵守学院和赞助商的政策和法规.

AWARD HIGHLIGHT: 非洲研究与人文:社会正义的跨国探索

The Mellon Foundation awarded Skidmore College a $1.185 million grant to support Skidmore’s 黑人研究计划和种族正义教学挑战,推进非洲研究 和社会公正,通过创新的课程创作和教学, undergraduate research, and interdisciplinary collaboration. The three-year grant 这是基金会“人文时代”倡议的一部分,该倡议支持 在文科课程项目,帮助学生看到和体验 applicability of humanities in their real-world social justice objectives.

资助火博体育的项目,非洲研究和人文学科:跨国 《火博体育》将支持新课程的开发 学院的黑人研究项目通过启动"学习型社区 会帮助教师完善自己对新教学方法的理解吗 思想和研究领域,这将使课程多样化,并照亮社会 justice issues within and across disciplines.

这一努力将直接加强学院的种族正义教学挑战 (RJTC),于2021年春季启动,以增加火博体育学校对种族问题的课程关注 justice. Coordinated by the American Studies Department and Black Studies Program 并得到总统办公室和副总统办公室的支持 在学术事务方面,RJTC鼓励教师开发有关种族正义的内容 和/或黑人研究2021年春季和秋季课程,经协商 Beck Krefting副教授,教授兼主任 温斯顿·格雷迪-威利斯是黑人研究项目的联合首席研究员 Mellon grant.

其中三个学习社区于去年1月启动,是一个综合社区 项目团队和其他火博体育教职员工在各种方面的努力 disciplines. Also taking part are the Tang Teaching Museum, Scribner Library, and 该中心占地5000平方英尺,旨在促进公平、包容、 以及为学生、员工和教职员工提供多学科项目的公正. All 这些资源和空间将支持研究、讨论和创造新的 course content.

除了支持课程开发外,该基金还将资助本科生研究 它以种族正义为中心,涉及殖民/非殖民化和权力 systems and structures. It will also fund the creation of two two-year postdoctoral positions in Black Studies with explicit grounding in the humanities. The program launched a national search for those positions in mid-January.

SPONSOR HIGHLIGHT: the mellon foundation  Mellon Foundation

梅隆基金会认为,艺术和人文是我们表达自己的地方 复杂的人性,我们相信每个人都值得拥有美丽,超越, and freedom to be found there. Through our grants, we seek to build just communities 通过意义丰富,通过批判性思维,思想和想象力 can thrive. Mellon makes grants in four core program areas: Arts and CultureHigher LearningHumanities in Place; and Public Knowledge.


PROJECT Personnel Profile:      winston grady-willis

Winston Grady-Willis

Winston Grady-Willis is Professor of Black Studies and Director of the Black Studies Program. An historian 二十世纪全球非洲经验,他教交叉课程 它们是非洲研究的门户,阐明了黑人激进的社会运动, and foreground Black feminist traditions. His first book, Challenging U.S. Apartheid: Atlanta and Black Struggles for Human Rights, 1960-1977聚焦于从非暴力直接行动到黑人权力的转变 center the voices of the Black working poor. He is also lead author of 斗争仍在继续:非洲研究中的历史与当代问题, an electronic textbook for introductory courses in Black Studies


April 2022

April 20

American Society for Theatre Research: Publication & Presentation Prizes

April 21

National Endowment for the Humanities: Research Fellowships

April 25

Whiting Foundation: Creative Nonfiction Grant

May 2022

May 4 

Russell Sage Foundation: Research Grants

Spencer Foundation: Research Grants on Education: Large (Intent to Apply)

William T. Grant Foundation: Research Grants on Reducing Inequality and Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence

May 9

National Endowment for the Humanities: Humanities Initiatives




PROJECT Personnel Profile:      beck krefting

Beck Krefting

Beck Krefting 是美国研究系的副教授和附属教员 性别研究、黑人研究、族群间关系、媒体与电影研究 Skidmore College. She is an interdisciplinary humor studies scholar who teaches courses 火博体育单口喜剧的历史,批判性白人,后启示录文本,研究 methodologies, and Black feminist thoughts. Her monograph, All Joking Aside: American Humor and Its Discontents (约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社),描绘了“充满激情的幽默”或单口喜剧的历史和经济 comedy aimed at social justice. She is a contributing author to edited collections some of which include: Hysterical!: Women in American Comedy (University of Texas Press, 2017), Transgressive Humor of American Women Writers (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), The Joke Is On Us:Political Comedy in (Late) Neoliberal Times (Lexington Books, 2019), Ethics in Comedy: Essays on Crossing the Line (McFarland, 2020), and Taking a Stand: American Stand-up Comedians as Public Intellectuals (University of Mississippi Press, 2021). You can read articles about Hannah Gadsby published in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies and Studies in American Humor 或者是对喜剧在“我也是”和“黑人的命也重要”运动中所扮演角色的审视 special issue published in Contemporary Political Theory (June 2021). 贝克已被邀请到高校演讲她的研究 在国内和国际上,最近在哥本哈根,汉诺威的大学, Munich, Leipzig, and Dresden. Current research includes: histories/historiographies 单口喜剧,女权主义喜剧研究,以及准备者/生存主义者亚文化. Her current book project is tentatively titled: 单口喜剧的经济:部落主义、身份政治和情感资本. 她是美国现任副总统(2022-2024年当选总统) Humor Studies Association and serves on the editorial board for Studies in American Humor 同时也是宾夕法尼亚州立大学出版社幽默的顾问委员会成员 in America series. Mostly, she likes laughing, swimming, and working toward social justice.