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Past Great Conversation Proposal Example


项目名称: Engaging with Scholarship: "The Prender of Pitcairn Island"

教师资助: Tillman Nechtman

Student 1 First Name: 伊莎贝尔

Student 1 Last Name:


Student 1 Class Year: '21

学生1专业: 历史

Student 2 First Name: 伊莎贝尔

学生二姓: 托宾


Student 2 Class Year: '21

学生2专业: 场不宣而战

Student 3 First Name: 凯西

学生三姓: 莫泽


Student 3 Class Year: '21

学生3专业: 历史

概述: In five (or more) meetings over the course of the spring 2019 semester, we, along with other interested students, will read and discuss in depth Professor Nechtman's latest book "The Pretender of Pitcairn Island." The three of us had have class(es) with Professor Nechtman, and his overview of his book intrigued us. 我们有独一无二的 opportunity to engage with scholarship that we heard about before publication by a professor from whom we have taken classes on related subjects.

Additionally, in talking to our peers, we have found there is a general interest among other students who have taken Nechtman's classes to engage with the book beyond reading 靠他们自己.

时间轴: This project will take place in the spring 2019 semester on campus. 这个小组会 meet five or more times, as needed for discussion. Each member will be expected to read the book and bring questions, opinions, and relevant scholarly connections to 每次会议. Each meeting will be approximately an hour and a half, and we suspect the book itself will take many hours to read thoroughly. Additionally, we hope to have a group discussion with the author, Professor Nechtman, as a conclusion to our 扩展的讨论.

目标: We hope to exchange with scholarly work on a deeper level than limited class time 允许. The ability to converse with the author of the scholarship you are reading is rare, and we want to take advantage of the opportunity "The Pretender of Pitcairn 岛”的礼物.

This will benefit the community creating an opportunity for students to discuss scholarship outside of class that is relevant to their Skidmore experience.

学术质量: We intend to approach this as several of us have learned to approach discussion of scholarly writing in Intro to the 历史 Major through background research of the author, and thoughtful thought provoking questions derived from our interaction with 文本. Engaging in depth with with type of source is not something there is often time to do in classes. We hope that this experience will change how we engage with scholarly works in general, giving us a better understanding of how experts engage with work in their field.
This project furthers "life of the mind" by facilitating an opportunity for intellectual conversation with other students who are interested in expanding on what they learned in the classroom as well as the scholar behind the work.

额外的评论: We are all terribly excited to engage in depth with Professor Nechtman's book, and have several others outside of 荣誉论坛 interested as well. 从那一刻起 idea for this project formed, we could not imagine a more perfect way to engage in the "life of the mind." It is thrilling to think of engaging with the scholarship of some we know and can actually talk to about the work.