Religious Studies Department


罗伯特·H.N. Ho Family Foundation Assistant Professor in Buddhist Studies


办公室:  Ladd 212
电话:  (518) 580-5412
电子邮件:  roverbey@brainsquad.net



  • Ph.D., Harvard University, Committee on the Study of Religion (2010)
  • A.B., Brown University, Classics & Sanskrit and Religious Studies (2001)

Teaching and Research Interests:

Buddhism, Chinese religions, Indian religions, Tantra, esoteric traditions, ritual, theory and method in the study of religion, digital humanities.

I work at the intersection of ritual and intellectual history in the Buddhist tradition, probing the close links between theory and practice, between philosophy and liturgy. My work focuses on the edition and interpretation of ritual texts and magical grimoires preserved in Chinese, Sanskrit, and Tibetan in the first millennium CE.


  • AS 101 Introduction to Asian Studies
  • AS251C Asian Ecologies and Cosmologies
  • RE 103 Understanding Religions
  • RE 221 Buddhism: An Introduction
  • RE 321 Buddhism and the Body


  • The Vaults of Buddhas: Buddhist preaching and rituals of represencing in the Great Lamp 的 Dharma Dhāraṇī Scripture. 正在审查.
  • Beyond the Silk and Book Roads: rethinking networks of exchange and material culture. Co-edited with Michelle Wang. Leiden: Brill, Forthcoming.
  • Tantric traditions in transmission and translation, co-edited with 大卫B. 灰色的. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.


  • “A Gandhāran among the Türks: Buddhist texts and travels in the biography of *Dhyānagupta (528–605).” In 瑞安·理查德·奥弗比 and Michelle Wang, eds. Beyond the Silk and Book roads: rethinking networks of exchange and material culture. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
  • “‘Why don’t we translate spells in the scriptures?’: Medieval Chinese exegesis on the meaning and function of dhāraṇī language.” Journal 的 International Association of Buddhist Studies 42 (2020): 493– 514.
  • “ 奉献经文 Spoken by the Buddha on Being Reborn in Whichever 的 Pure Lands 的 Ten 方向 You Wish.” In Georgios Halkias and Richard K. 佩恩, eds. The Buddhism of Pure Lands: a thematic anthology of primary sources, 33–55. Pure Land Buddhist Studies Series. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2019.
  • Sutra on the Profound Kindness of 父母.” In Martin Baumann and Sun Hua, eds. Buddhist stone sutras in China, Sichuan Province 4, 119–121. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018.
  • The Perfection of Wisdom in the Sutras.” In Buddhist stone sutras in China, ed. Claudia Wenzel and Sun Hua, Sichuan Province 3: 123–127. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016.
  • “Vicissitudes of text and rite in the Great Peahen Queen of Spells.” In Tantric traditions in transmission and translation, ed. 大卫B. 灰色的 and 瑞安·理查德·奥弗比, 257–283. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • “Scroll 12 and 11 的 奉献经典.” In Buddhist stone sutras in China, ed. Tsai Suey-Ling and Sun Hua, Sichuan Province 2: 24–34. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2015.
  • “在……的外表上。 要素 in Chinese Buddhist texts.” In Yoga powers: extraordinary capacities attained through meditation and concentration. Ed. Knut Axel Jacobsen, 127–144. 莱顿:布里尔,2012.

Fellowships and Honors:

  • ACLS / 罗伯特·H.N. Ho Family Foundation Grant for Critical Editions and Scholarly Translations: funding for full year of pre-tenure research leave to prepare translation 的 奉献经文, 2021–2022
  • Shinjō Itō Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhist Studies, University of California, 伯克利,2013 - 2015
  • Harvard Graduate Society Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2008–2009
  • Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, 2008
  • Harvard Graduate Student Council Summer Conference Grant, 2008
  • Harvard Extension School Commendation for distinguished teaching performance, 2008
  • Harvard Presidential Instructional Technology Fellowship Award for Achievement in Instructional Technology, 2007
  • 雅各K. Javits Fellowship, 2001–2005
  • 安德鲁·W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies, 2001