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Skidmore College
Civic Engagement
尤妮斯年代. 费雷拉

尤妮斯年代. 费雷拉


支持ing BIPOC voices in the arts  

For Associate Professor of Theater 尤妮斯年代. 费雷拉, theater isn’t something you sit back 和 watch from afar: It’s an opportunity to address deep-rooted injustices in our society 和 local community. 

Leaning into creativity 和 with support from the Periclean Faculty 领导 Program for civic engagement in the classroom, 费雷拉 is teaching Theater for Social Justice 和 Change 和 bringing the conversation into the community through partnerships with local groups MLK Saratoga  Black Dimensions in Art (BDA).  

“Students are researching 和 practicing how theater can be applied in a variety of settings to educate, build community, address social justice issues, foster civic engagement, 和 catalyze social change,” said 费雷拉. 

Using techniques from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed 和 other interactive approaches, students are applying their learning to hypothetical case studies 和 real-life community needs. They’re also partnering with BDA members 和 Skidmore’s 约翰B. Moore Documentary Studies Collaborative (MDOCS) to facilitate conversations on art 和 activism in order to archive the legacy of BDA in a documentary film for the group’s 50th anniversary.   

Follow her on at Instagram @bipoctheater.