


Parilia 2016日期2017年4月21日,星期五

The 经部门 of 火博体育大学 will host a one-day undergraduate research conference concerning the various aspects of Classical Studies, including: 希腊, Latin, Ancient History and Archaeology. 火博体育大学 学生 and faculty will be joined by Hamilton, Union, and Vassar Colleges, as a few 学生 from each institution will present their papers followed by discussions. The conference concludes with a poster session showcasing the work of 学生 from all four colleges.


David H. Porter Classical World Lecture

Time: 6:00-7:00pm

The David Porter Classical World Lecture is one of 古典学系’s most 预期的事件,
and is part of the department’s gateway course, CC200: Classical World.

This year's speaker is 教授. 伊丽莎白·费雪 of Randolph-Macon College, who will discuss the relationship between 希腊 and Ethiopia from as early as 1600 BCE, down 直到荷马时代. From literally the beginning of 希腊 literature, line 22 在荷马的 奥德赛, Ethiopia featured as a special place: where men were blameless and most reverent and the gods enjoyed feasts. 教授. Fisher will argue that specific landscapes and the archaeology in Ethiopia map closely onto 希腊 pictorial and literary references, and that, for the 希腊s, Ethiopia was not a mythical land but a real place, in part situated in modern Ethiopia



日期: Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
位置: 该院大厅, 2nd floor, conference room

Interested in spending a semester in Bath, 英格兰, Athens, or Rome? 想工作 on an archaeological excavation in the summer? Want to read great literature, examine marvellous works of art, and explore ideas essential to the human condition? 然后 come to learn more about the 经典 major, and meet the faculty and some of our 学生.


Homerathon日期: Monday, February 20, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm - ???
位置: Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, 2nd floor

The 学生 and faculty of CC200: The Classical World invite you to our annual Homerathon! 带上你的荷马诗集 奥德赛 to the upstairs dining hall on Monday, February 20th 从6 -? pm and read/listen to the tale of Odysseus’ journey home. 披萨,沙拉, 有饮料供应. We will read excerpts from the poem until we run out of steam - which could be all night long!



经典的学生 & faculty gather for food and conversation in the Test Kitchen of the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall once a month for a 经典 dinner symposium. 晚餐 tickets provided if requested.

  • 日期s: Monday, February 20, 2017, in conjunction with the Homerathon! (披萨!!!)
  • Times: Wednesday, April 5, 2017, in conjunction with the Porter Lecture (Karavalli 之后)

Annual Classical World Bus Trip to the 大都会博物馆 of Art

大都会博物馆Each spring 学生 in CC200 The Classical World travel to NYC to study and present objects in the Greco-Roman galleries of the 大都会博物馆 of Art.

  • 日期: Saturday, April 8, 2017
  • 时间:7.上午30点出发,11点.00点返回
  • 地点:Case停车场



睡衣Please join us for the annual 经部门 BBQ and festivities. 这是我们的 opportunity to celebrate the year, to wish our graduating seniors well, and to welcome new 学生 to our departmental community.

  • 日期:5月2日,星期二
  • 时间:5.30pm
  • 位置: Thomas Amphitheater

The 帕特农神庙: From Pericles to the Present: Travel Seminar 2017

帕特农神庙教授. Arnush and Mechem are offering this CC225 course during the spring semester, which concludes with a travel seminar to 英格兰 and 希腊. 感兴趣的学生 the course need to apply via the OCSE 门户网站. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED.

Travel seminar participants will depart from a NYC-area airport on Sunday, May 21st. After a few days in London, we will fly to Athens and return to the US on Saturday, 6月3日.


年度演讲:“The 埃涅阿斯记 in America, from First 联系 to Final Frontier"
演讲者:教授. 梅雷迪思赛, Trinity College


日期: Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Time: 5:30 p..

What is classical reception? What can classicists contribute when materials and motifs from the ancient world garner the attention of modern audiences? 秋季经典 lecture, 教授essor Safran will answer these and other questions with case studies from Vergil’s 埃涅阿斯记 and the recent Syfy series, Battlestar Galactica. 由 古典学系.