Environmental Studies and Sciences


实习 provide an excellent opportunity for students to apply their school learning to real-world experiences. They allow students to explore different areas of interest, and post-graduation, they are the best way to find a quality job. 我们鼓励 students to have at least one internship during their Skidmore career, and the more internships, the better. Students can earn credit for internships, as described below.  For unpaid summer internships, Skidmore provides several competitive funding opportunities.

实习 for credit

Students who wish to earn credit for their internships can do so through the Office of Academic Advising. Credit-bearing internships require both an on-site supervisor, who monitors the practice of the internship, and a 教师 sponsor, who adds an academic component 到实习. 实习 taken for academic credit require a strong academic center. The amount of academic work assigned by the 教师 sponsor should be commensurate with the number of credit hours earned during their internship and the level of the internship (ES 299 versus ES 399).

Funding opportunities for summer internships

Several Skidmore offices, groups, departments, and programs provide competitive summer funding, including the ESS Program. A wide variety of experiences qualify for these funds, including internships, volunteer opportunities, research, community service projects, apprenticeships, and more.  

有关 Summer Experience Fund 可以找到 在这里.

Details about a new internship opportunity with The Soil Inventory Project (TSIP) 可以找到 在这里.


Individual internship opportunities are too numerous to list.  Below are listed some of the broad fields w在这里 ESS students work.  For many of these, t在这里 are opportunities in 萨拉托加温泉市 and the surrounding area to get involved with local groups and 倡议.  If a local internship opportunity sounds appealing but you would like a summer internship closer to home, you can try to find a similar organization or 你所在地区的办公室.


We have a network of ESS alumni who work in a variety of fields and can serve as a valuable resource for current Skidmore students.  To get a sense of the range of work our graduates do, you can check out "W在这里 Our Graduates Have Gone."  

The Skidmore Environmental Studies and Sciences group on LinkedIn is a good way to get in touch with alumni as well as find out about job openings, graduate assistantship opportunities, and internships.  还有一个 Facebook群组, Environmental Studies at 火博体育大学, which includes both current students and alumni who were part of the Environmental Studies and Sciences Program.