
Media and Film Studies and 性别研究 Statement on Anti-Asian Violence

The past two weeks following the March 16, 2021 murders of eight people, including six women of Asian descent, in Georgia have been heavy with mourning and sadness 为 many Asian and Asian American communities. For many, this grief is compounded by how Asian and Asian American experiences have been erased and too often remain invisible in national discourse. 性别研究 and Media and Film Studies offer this statement in solidarity as we move through grief and into analysis and action. 附近的袭击 Atlanta, Georgia are just one example of many in a year of increasing anti-Asian sentiment and violence in the United States and globally, fueled in large part by the 为mer U.S. president’s insistence on racializing the coronavirus as Asian. 这个亚裔 sentiment is by no means a new phenomenon; in fact, it is built upon more than a century of racist legislation, harmful stereotypes, and white supremacy that have portrayed Asians and Asian Americans as an invasive contagion.

Making sense of the murders in Atlanta requires a reckoning with the many layers of violence facing Asian and Asian American women, including racism, sexism, classism, anti-migrant and anti-sex ideologies, and the stigmatization and criminalization of 性工作. In 最近的一篇文章大西洋,程安霖 reminds us that, “America has long conflated Asian female sexuality and criminality.” 1875年的Page法案 restricted the entry of Chinese women into the United States under the pretense of prohibiting “immoral” women from entering the country to work in prostitution. 这 legislation set the stage 为 the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, which limited Chinese immigration and banned all Chinese from becoming U.S. 公民,  constituting the first discriminatory migration legislation based on ethnicity or 原产国. “黄祸” of the nineteenth century has found new vigor during the coronavirus pandemic, revealing just how deeply embedded it is in the popular imaginary of the nation. 在 U.S. 背景下, the military’s long history of Asian dehumanization, the exploitation of Asian bodily labor, and the proliferation of derogatory stereotypes and yellow face in popular literature and media are some of the ways in which anti-Asian rhetoric persists and continues to produces violence that impacts Asian and Asian American communities.



韩亚金融中心 agitate against the deportations and other state violence against Asians and Asians Americans, highlighting that the Atlanta murders are part of “a long history of fetishizing women of Asian heritage as submissive, feminine, and sexually compliant, and the proliferation of sex industries around U.S. military bases in Asian countries.”

红金丝雀之歌 (NYC) organizes Asian and migrant 性工作ers.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta has direct support and other resource links:

  1. Sign on to our collective community statement.
  2. Donate to support the victims and their families.
  3. Share crisis response resources.