校外学习 & 交流



The CEPP sub-committee on off-campus study - the Advisory Committee on Off-Campus 项目-为校外学习办公室提供咨询服务 & 交流 讨论CEPP和/或OCSE定义的问题. 作为一个咨询机构,ACOP制定其议程 in direct and regular consultation with OCSE, and OCSE solicits advice from ACOP on 广泛的校外留学. 校外学习是一个不可缺少的方面 a Skidmore education: the college strives to develop a compelling link between students' academic and co-curricular work before and after the off-campus study experience and their work while away, in order to embed off-campus study in our students' overall 教育经历.

ACOP reports regularly to CEPP, periodically seeks CEPP’s input, and issues an annual 向校外学习办公室咨询报告 & 交流.

The Advisory Committee (ACOP) consists of the director of OCSE and one faculty member 谁担任ACOP主席,通常由CEPP任命,任期两年.  ACOP 负责以下工作:

  • review, evaluate and possibly recommend revisions of current 政策 governing overseas 一年、学期和短期项目;
  • 定期向CEPP提出需要协商的议题;
  • 建立改变环境的机制 批准项目 清单,并用于对现有的 批准项目 that allow us to maintain quality and variety in the portfolio of programs made available 学生;
  • review petitions from students applying to study abroad on a program not on the Approved 项目列表;
  • consider recommending the creation of a summer 批准项目 list, and the appropriate 制订此种清单的机制;
  • develop mechanisms for more thoroughly and formally preparing students for overseas 学习,并将他们的经验融入课堂. 这可能 include recommendations to assess the learning outcomes for study abroad (at short-term 或学期课程);
  • coordinate with the Intercultural and Global Understanding Task Force the implementation 学院出国留学的目标在 战略计划 以及中部各州自学课程
  • 收集有关出国留学的资料.g.留任率、成就、多样性、性别、 等.) and provide recommendations aimed at eliminating inconsistencies in the data 收集;
  • recommend a plan for the management of the growth of study abroad in light of the 实施 批准项目 list, and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the strategic goal of sending 60% of our students abroad (this analysis will include studies of the anticipated impact on campus enrollments, the role of faculty-led short-term programs in that goal, and 支持这种增长所需的人员配备);
  • 推荐教师在国外项目中的发展机会;
  • consider recommending guidelines for approving student enrollment in domestic off-campus study programs and for the appropriate institutional oversight of such programs;
  • consider recommending guidelines to accommodate an unusual opportunity that arises for a short-term program abroad or domestically, one that would require a timeline for approval shorter than the eighteen-month standard timeframe (see the Short-Term 程序指导方针).
  • review and approve Travel Seminar courses in consultation with OCSE, the DOF office, 和CC的成员


负责 (2008年11月修订)

The CEPP sub-committee on off-campus study - the Advisory Committee on Off-Campus 项目-为校外学习办公室提供咨询服务 & 交流 讨论CEPP和/或OCSE定义的问题. 作为一个咨询机构,ACOP制定其议程 in direct and regular consultation with OCSE, and OCSE solicits advice from ACOP on 广泛的校外留学. 校外学习是一个不可缺少的方面 a Skidmore education: the college strives to develop a compelling link between students' academic and co-curricular work before and after the off-campus study experience and their work while away, in order to embed off-campus study in our students' overall 教育经历.

ACOP reports regularly to CEPP and issues an annual report in consultation with the 校外学习办公室 & 交流.


负责 (2006年4月修订)

Note: The 校外项目咨询委员会(ACOP) was formerly named the "Advisory Committee on International 研究 (ACIS)", and, the Office of Off-Campus 研究 & 交流处(OCSE)的前身是“国际项目办公室” (OIP)."

The CEPP sub-committee on study abroad - the Advisory Committee on International 研究 - serves in an advisory capacity for the 国际项目办公室 on issues 由CEPP和/或OIP定义. 作为一个咨询机构,咨委会直接制定其议程 and regular consultation with OIP, and OIP solicits advice from ACIS on a broad range 留学事宜. 出国留学是火博体育教育的一个组成部分: the college strives to develop a compelling link between students' academic and co-curricular work before and after study abroad and their 在国外工作, in order to embed 留学融入学生的整体教育体验.

The Advisory Committee, consisting of faculty members appointed by CEPP for a two-year term, and the director of OIP, will be charged with the following responsibilities:

  • review, evaluate and possibly recommend revisions of current 政策 governing overseas 一年、学期和短期项目;
  • 建立改变环境的机制 批准项目 清单,并用于对现有的 批准项目 that allow us to maintain quality and variety in the portfolio of programs made available 学生;
  • review petitions from students applying to study abroad on a program not on the Approved 项目列表;
  • consider recommending the creation of a summer 批准项目 list, and the appropriate 制订此种清单的机制;
  • develop mechanisms for more thoroughly and formally preparing students for overseas 学习,并将他们的经验融入课堂. 这可能 include recommendations to assess the learning outcomes for study abroad (at short-term 或学期课程);
  • coordinate with the Intercultural and Global Understanding Task Force the implementation 学院出国留学的目标在 战略计划 中部各州自学;
  • 收集有关出国留学的资料.g.留任率、成就、多样性、性别、 等.) and provide recommendations aimed at eliminating inconsistencies in the data 收集;
  • recommend a plan for the management of the growth of study abroad in light of the 实施 批准项目 list, and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the strategic goal of sending 60% of our students abroad (this analysis will include studies of the anticipated impact on campus enrollments, the role of faculty-led short-term programs in that goal, and 支持这种增长所需的人员配备);
  • 推荐教师在国外项目中的发展机会;
  • consider recommending guidelines for approving student enrollment in domestic off-campus study programs and for the appropriate institutional oversight of such programs;
  • consider recommending guidelines to accommodate an unusual opportunity that arises for a short-term program abroad or domestically, one that would require a timeline for approval shorter than the eighteen-month standard timeframe (see the Short-Term 程序指导方针).

ACIS reports regularly to CEPP and issues an annual report in consultation with the 国际项目办公室.

Note: Hobart and William Smith Colleges is one institution that assesses student learning during study abroad, and has worked intentionally to assist students when they re-enter the on-campus environment: see their Partnership for Global Education and their Back 来自国外的指南.



Note: The 校外项目咨询委员会(ACOP) was formerly named the "Advisory Committee on International 研究 (ACIS)", and, the Office of Off-Campus 研究 & 交流处(OCSE)的前身是“国际项目办公室” (OIP)."

The CEPP sub-committee on study abroad - the Advisory Committee on International 研究 - will serve in an advisory capacity for the 国际项目办公室 as Skidmore 实行新的海外留学结构. 重组计划强调 closer integration of the academic programs on campus with the programs our students 参加海外. 考虑到这一点,Skidmore将进入“合作伙伴计划”名单. The list will be developed in conjunction with the departments and programs to ensure coordination between course work completed overseas and major/minor/graduation requirements 在火博体育. 更重要的是,火博体育努力发展更强的联系之间 students' academic and co-curricular work before and after study abroad and their 在国外工作. 目标是将海外学习融入学生的整体生活 在火博体育的教育经历.

The Advisory Committee, consisting of faculty members appointed by CEPP for a two-year term, and the director of OIP, will be charged with (in order of importance):

  • developing guidelines for vetting and approving "Partner Programs" that meet academic 管理质量标准;
  • determining the appropriate policy regarding transfer of credits from "Partner Programs";
  • 确定有关“合作伙伴计划”GPA的适当政策;
  • reviewing, evaluating, and possibly revising current 政策 governing overseas study;
  • developing mechanisms for evaluating "Partner Programs" that allow us to maintain 提供给学生的作品集的质量和多样性;
  • developing mechanisms for more thoroughly and formally preparing students for overseas 学习,并在返回后将他们的经验融入课堂;
  • 确定伊办是否需要一个常设咨询委员会.