

The Fiscus讲座 was inaugurated in 1991 by Skidmore's Department of Government (政治科学系, as of June 2016) to honor the late Ronald J. Fiscus, a Skidmore faculty member from 1980 to his death in 1990. Professor Fiscus was a constitutional law specialist and a key contributor to the development of a minor in law and society 在火博体育.

罗纳德·J. FISCUS, a teacher and scholar of constitutional law, was a member of the Skidmore Government Department from 1980 until his untimely death at age 42 in 1990. After graduating from Carleton College, Ron served in the Peace Corps in Chad before 完成博士学位.D. in political science at the University of Wisconsin. 火博体育, Professor Fiscus was well known for the excellence of his teaching. 他是 the original faculty members involved in creating Liberal Studies I, served as its coordinator the first year it was taught, and was selected by his colleagues to give the very first lecture in the course. Ron was also instrumental in developing and establishing Skidmore's law and society minor, which involves students in a multidisciplinary study of the relationship between law and other social institutions and processes. After Ron's death, his colleagues and friends endowed an annual lecture in his honor, 罗纳德·J. Fiscus Memorial Lecture, to bring to campus distinguished individuals who would speak on issues related to law and society.


ERWIN切 Dean, University of California, Berkeley School of Law. 校园言论自由 2024

查尔斯OGLETREE, Jesse Climenko Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. "黑人的生命重要吗?? 《当今美国的种族与正义!" 2015

JEFFREY ROSEN, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Constitution Center. The Future of Privacy and Free Speech: Translating the Constitution in the Age of 谷歌眼镜和维基解密. 2013

伯纳黛特一. 米勒正在, Professor of Law and 英语, Cornell, University. Common Law Originalism: Constitutional Meaning from Transatlantic Legal Contexts. 2011

乔安妮B. 弗里曼, Professor of History, Yale University. The Field of Blood: Congressional Violence in Antebellum America. 2009

罗杰斯米. 史密斯克里斯托弗·H. Browne Distinguished Professor and Chair of Political Science at 宾夕法尼亚大学. Barack Obama and the Future of American Racial Politics. 2008

加里JACOBSOHN, Patterson-Banister Professor of Government and H. Malcolm Professor in Constitutional and Comparative Law, University of Texas at Austin. 不和谐的体质. 2007

阿希尔·里德·阿玛尔, Southmayd Professor of Law, Yale Law School. America’s Constitution Over the Centuries ~ 从纽约看. 2006

琳达温室, Correspondent, Washington Bureau, 纽约时报. 法院、国家和文化. 2005

JAMES F. 西蒙, Martin Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, New York Law School.  All the Laws But One: President Lincoln, Chief Justice Taney, and the Merryman Case. 2004

简·贝斯特恩, Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics, University of 芝加哥. American Power and Responsibility in a Violent World. 2002

托马斯L. PANGLE, University Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto. Should Convicted Criminals Have the Right to Vote? 探索投票的意义 权利与责任. 2001

马克西尔弗斯坦, Professor of Political Science, Boston University. The Real Warren Court Revolution. 2000

朱迪丝蕾斯尼克, Arthur Liman Professor of Law, Yale Law School.  Identity Politics and Professional Identity: The Effects of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity 有关司法制度. 1999

桑福德莱文森, W. St. 约翰·加伍德和W. St. 小约翰·加伍德. Regents Chair in Law and Government, The University of Texas at Austin.  多样性. 1998

莫里斯方式, Director, Southern Poverty Law Center. 对正义的热情. 1997

斯坦利费什, Professor of Law and Literature, Duke University.  Boutique Multiculturalism: Or Why Liberals are Incapable of Talking 火博体育 Hate Speech. 1996

克里斯汀·哈林顿, Professor and Director of the Institute for Law and Society, New York University. The Politics of Feminism and the Practice of Law. 1995

大卫ADAMANY, President and Professor of Political Science, Wayne State University. The Constitutional Rights of Homosexuals. 1994

STEPHEN WASBY, Professor of Political Science, State University of New York at Albany. The Difficult Quest for Equality. 1993

乔尔·B. 格罗斯曼, Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University. The New Politics of Nominating and Confirming Supreme Court Justices. 1992

沃尔特·墨菲, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University. The Art of Constitutional Interpretation. 1991