First 应答器健康 and Safety Laboratory


SMARTER (Science Medicine And Research & Technology for Emergency Responders) seeks to employ scientific advances, medical knowledge, research findings and technological solutions to reduce firefighter injuries and fatalities. 更聪明的解决三个具体问题 vulnerabilities that increase the risk of firefighter injury, fatality or toxic exposure:

  1. Use of wearable ECG technology to detect early signs of cardiac events following firefighting 或培训;
  2. Use of algorithms to estimate core temperature and reduce the risk of heat-related 伤亡人数;
  3. Use of low cost, portable technology to monitor air contamination levels on the fireground 在火灾后的建筑中.

This study is supported by the DHS/FEMA Grant Directorate for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program—Fire Prevention and Safety Grant (EMW-2015-FP-00731) awarded to 丹尼斯·史密斯, Principal Investigator.


Click Here to see the final SMARTER REPORT


威尔金森,.F.马蒂亚斯,A.A.艾迪,C.I.K.苏亚雷斯,E.M.K.金.K., 史密斯,维.L. (2019). Physiologic strain of SCBA confidence course training compared to circuit 训练和实弹训练. 应用人体工程学. DOI: 1016 / j.apergo.2019.102966


史密斯,维.L.,海格,C.A.威尔金森,A. (2019) Structural PPE in the wildland environment: 聪明的项目 identifies heat stress concerns in real-world fire incidents. 消防队研究角. 2019年4月:68-73.

史密斯,维.L.,海格,C.A.威尔金森,A.F.艾姆斯,J.,布勒,M.吴,Y.Batalin, M.奥兹坎,A.金.L. (2019). Get SMARTER: 聪明的项目 seeks to develop and advance technologies in key areas of health and safety. 消防队,一月增刊:A3-A14

黑的,.A.威尔金森,A.F.史密斯,D.L. 黑的,我.B. (2018). 清理的危害: 生理压力仍在继续. 消防工程, 171(12): 39-44.

维尔纳,C. (2018). The future of wearable technology. 消防队, 43(6): 60-63.

Tobia, M. (2018). Firefighter physiological 监控 technology. 消防队、健康 & safety report, September supplement: A14-15.

Sendelbach T. (2018). Are You Prepared to Take Ownership? 技术进步 can help firefighters prioritize their health and safety. 消防队5月12日.

Clauson, M.J. (2018). Futuristic Firefighting: Technological 进步s in the Fire 服务. Sioux Falls Fire Rescue Monthly 新闻letter. 2018年6月4日.

的事情,. (2017). Hanover Park Fire Department takes part in SMARTER. IFSAP通讯. 2017年冬.

Firefighter Physiological Monitoring Technology Summit

Firefighter Physiological Monitoring Technology Summit

The Technology Summit was largely underwritten by AFG grants obtained by the First 应答器健康 & Safety Laboratory at 火博体育大学 and the National Fallen Firefighters 基金会. This gathering presented the most promising advances in the field of physiological 监控. It also served as a platform to share information and ideas as they pertain to technological solutions to enhance firefighter health and safety. 凯西格兰特, executive director of the National Fire Protection Association 基金会, delivered the keynote address on firefighter “wearable” technology for physiological 监控.

议程 (点击查看)



Keynote: The Future of Wearable Technology

Fire Protection Research 基金会       
The Future of Wearable Technology


Enhancing the Heat Stress Algorithm to Combat Heat Stress

Dr. 丹尼斯·史密斯, 火博体育大学    

An Algorithm to Estimate Body Temperature

Dr. 马克•布勒 U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine   



Potential Use of EKG to Detect Arrhythmias and Ischemia

Dr. 丹尼斯·史密斯, 火博体育大学    

EKG Monitoring for Detection of Arrhythmias and Ischemia

安德里亚·威尔金森 火博体育大学 

Potential use of EKG for Arrhythmias and Ischemia 


Use of Physiological Status Monitoring (PSM) in the Fire 服务

Dr. 丹尼斯·史密斯, 火博体育大学    

Deploying a Physiological Status Monitor

克雷格·黑格警长, Hanover Park (IL) Fire Department

Use of Physiologic Status Monitoring (PSM) in the Fire 服务 


Deployment of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter Monitor

Dr. 丹尼斯·史密斯, 火博体育大学    


Dr. Aydogan Ozcan, University of California, Los Angeles  




凯文•罗氏 LODD Research, National Fallen Firefighters 基金会 


