

事件必须通过 EMS调度 提前24小时. If you are 请求ing space less than 提前24小时, you must contact the scheduling office  at ext. 5599.

Dates to avoid for scheduling major 事件s

  • 这学期最后两周
  • Major religious holidays (Good Friday, Easter, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashana)
  • 研究天
  • 庆祝周末
  • 董事会会议日期
  • 毕业典礼


During the day, classes generally run from 8:40 a.m. 到下午5:20.m. 最后一节课结束 晚上九点半.m. The prime time for scheduling 事件s occurs between 7 p.m. 10便士.m., so consider an early evening time, 6–8 p.m.,以避免与空间和/或 事件的资源.

为避免活动冲突,请注意 检查EMS是否有已安排的事件 在其他地方.


1月: Summer classes and programs scheduled by mid-January

  • 夏季调度开启

March: Fall classes scheduled by mid-March

  • 秋季调度开启

10月: 春季课程安排在十月中旬

  • 春季调度开启



  1. Special setup that includes extra tables, chairs, podium, flags, etc.
  2. Food, snacks, beverages, or liquor license
  3. Computer setup, audio, or visual support
  4. 特别泊车或保安安排
  5. 晚上住宿
  6. 宣传



给排班办公室发邮件 与您的问题或担忧. 

The 集团 my 事件 is for is 不 listed in my drop-down. 我如何选择不同的 集团? 

You have to add your 集团 to your drop-down by clicking on the magnifying glass next 组. From here you should search for your 集团 (department or student 集团). Type in the first few letters in the 集团 name and hit the magnifying glass. 添加 your 集团 by hitting the green and white plus sign. 点击完成,然后你就可以了 able to see your 集团 in the dropdown menu. 如果你的小组是 在系统中,拨打“ext”. 5599 or 给排班办公室发邮件.

Why doesn't 一个房间 I'm looking for show up when I'm 请求ing a space?

The only rooms that will come up to choose from when you are trying to 请求 a space are the rooms that are available at that time and that fit the number you put in the attendance for the setup type specified (if applicable).


The conference rooms are 不 managed through EMS, so continue to schedule them the way that you have in the past, directly with the department scheduler. 如果你需要 help finding a conference room, the 调度办公室 will be happy to help you find 一个房间. 只需拨打ext. 5599 or 给排班办公室发邮件.

How do I 请求 catering in a conference room 不 managed through EMS?

Login to EMS and select the "餐饮 Only" template to submit a catering 请求 在EMS中未列出的空格中. Be sure you have the space properly scheduled and 不ify 餐饮服务有任何变化.


The spaces in the Dining Hall are available through the EMS. 登录并选择“Murray-Aikins” 食堂模板”. Click "Book Now" then enter the date and time of your 事件.

When I put in a catering service 请求, will it automatically go 餐饮服务?

Yes, 餐饮服务 receives and manages catering service orders submitted through EMS. You will receive separate confirmations for your space 请求 and for your catering 请求.

When I put in my 请求, will it automatically go to 设施?

No, when you submit your 事件 setup 请求s in EMS, it is sent to a team member 在会议 & 事件 who will review and send the 请求 to 设施. 一个会议 & 事件s team member will review the 请求 and reach out with any questions. 后 the setup is confirmed the 请求 will be passed off to 设施.

When I put in my 请求, will it be automatically put on the Public 事件日历?

No. When you submit your 事件, you will have the option to choose to add your 事件 to the Public 事件日历, your department calendar, both, or neither. 一个公共 事件被认为是对外开放的 社区 (萨拉托加县及其他地区). You will receive an email 请求ing 事件 details to be posted to the 日历 with the option to add an image. 


If you have a department calendar, it will be displayed on your department's home 网页. If you would like to have a calendar on your department's 网页, please contact the 通讯办公室 and Marketing.


If you are in the system you can find your 事件 under Reservations, "View My 请求." If you click on the 事件 title you will be able to "Cancel 预订" or "Cancel All 预订." You can also cancel an 事件 by clicking the red and white X next to the 事件.

How do I change the date/time of my 事件?

If you are in the system, you need to find your 事件 under Reservations, "View My 请求." If you click on the 事件 title and open up the reservation, you will need 点击“预订工具”." From there you can change the date or time of one or 你所有的预订. 
**If your 事件 is already posted to the Public/Student/Department 日历, contact the 调度办公室 to change the date/time or location**

If I'm 请求ing the Case table/Skid Shop tables or Case poster space, what number 我应该申请出席吗?
