
Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct
Resources and Information

If there is immediate risk to health or safety, please contact Campus Safety at 518-580-5566 or local police at 911

支持ing friends and partners: How to help

Seeing a friend or partner who is struggling or in pain always hurts. 因为性 and gender-based misconduct are interpersonal crimes which often involve betrayal by known others, being there for your friend or partner after they have been victimized is even more crucial. Listening, believing and being there don’t always feel like enough, because they can’t change what has happened, but they are actually incredibly 重要的. Your help and support will make a significant positive difference in your friend or partner’s recovery.

The following guidelines may be helpful as you help your friend or partner navigate 充满挑战的时刻.  

  • First, pay attention to the person’s immediate physical needs. If you are worried that your friend is in physical danger or this is a medical emergency, call Campus Safety (518-580-5566) or 911 immediately to respond to the situation and/or provide transportation to the hospital. Please know that whenever Campus Safety is informed about an incident of sexual or gender-based misconduct, they are obligated to investigate to insure the victim’s safety and the safety of the larger campus community.

  • Listen with trust and empathy. Ask how you can be helpful. Take time to listen carefully and pay attention to body language. "Why" questions, such as “Why didn't you leave?” or “Why were you there?” 没有帮助.

  • Be aware of resources available. Help your friend or partner access resources. Provide online information, including 这个网站. Offer to walk with the person to get help.

  • Let them make the decisions in the moment and going forward. Present options and resources for your friend or partner and remember that they need to choose for themselves how to cope with the situation. Every person and every situation is different and there is no “right” way to react to sexual or gender based misconduct.

  • Don’t define the experience for the other person. Let your friend or partner define the experience themselves. Know that their definition of the experience(s) may change over time. Do not pressure them to use specific terms or definitions that you may think are most accurate.

  • Assure your friend that this is not their fault. Sexual and gender-based misconduct is never the fault of the survivor.

  • 是敏感的 about how much you share with your friend or partner about how their situation is 影响你. Focus on their needs first and make sure you get help and support for yourself so you can continue to help them.

  • 照顾好自己.  "Secondary victimization" is a real phenomenon, with possible effects including shock, rage, fear and a sense of helplessness. Seek support from someone you trust, including any of the resources available on 这个网站. 

Click here for contact information for key resources.