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Skidmore College
艺术历史 Department

艺术历史 Major


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艺术历史 Major Requirements

Please Take Note:

Language recommendation: Because advanced research in any aspect of art history requires foreign languages (generally 法国 or Italian and/or German, plus any language appropriate to your 区域,e.g., Chinese), we recommend language study. We also recommend additional art history courses (including independent studies, museum/gallery internships, and the senior thesis) and/or courses in related fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, anthropology, religion, arts administration, and studio art.

APs: Students may receive AP (Advanced Placement) 信贷 in art history. 得分4分 or 5 earns the student four college 信贷s. It is the program’s policy that the AP 信贷s can count as AH 100 Ways of Seeing: Survey of Western Art and may be applied toward a major or minor in art history. A score of 5 will automatically receive this 信贷; a score of 4 requires consultation with the director of the 艺术历史 program before it is approved

Independent study/internships, and 100 level courses: Students from the Class of 2017 and beyond can count no more than four 信贷 hours of independent study or internship towards the major. Students from the Class of 2014 and beyond must take one 100-level course (any one). Only one will count towards the major; for this cohort breadth can only be earned in 200-level courses and above.