


Lily Rothenberg


As a sophomore, I received a funding for a summer internship from SGA负责任公民奖. As an intern for the nonprofit organization 员工服务团队(B.E.S.T.), I helped provide social services to the impoverished workers of Saratoga's thoroughbred racetrack. By the time I left the track each day, I was aware of having improved at 至少一个人的生命. 在我办公室工作的第一个小时,我帮助了一个人 renew his visa so he could continue work in Saratoga during the racing season. Without my help that day, he would have struggled to stay in this country despite his dedication to his job and his years of hard labor on the backside of American racetracks.  

赛马场对我来说是个完美的工作场所. 我很容易进入 stables, which meant I could meet racehorses and also observe workers engaging with them. Because of my passion for horses and my knowledge of horse racing, I could easily identify dangerous behaviors that inexperienced workers engaged in that increased 对动物和操作者都有伤害的风险. 许多backstretch工人知道的很少 处理1200磅半训练动物的规程. 在提供医疗保健的同时 and workers’ compensation to clients, I saw many cases that could have been avoided 有基本的马术训练. 我提议提供火博体育安全操作的免费讲座 of horses and might consider providing these lectures on New York racetracks after graduation.

当我到达B.E.S.T.,捐赠物品随机分配给客户 on convenience. 我证明了自己是B的可靠和负责任的资源.E.S.T. by creating an orderly, fair, first-come-first-serve donation system. 比如自行车、 refrigerators, air conditioners, and mattresses are given to the first person who 报告需要的项目,每个赛车赛季. 一个叫巴勃罗的客户被转移到了 在捐赠自行车名单上名列前茅. 巴勃罗把空闲时间都用来照顾他的同事 out of trouble, guiding them away from drugs and instead toward spirituality. He made long treks to nearby churches to keep himself busy and would then enlighten others 用他新发现的精神知识. 巴勃罗来拿新捐赠的 bicycle, he told us that this bike would make these trips—and therefore his life—much easier. His kind eyes were brimming with tears as he took each staff member and volunteer 用手真诚地感谢我们.  

As my internship came to a close, I found it hard to fathom being away from B.E.S.T. 因为它深刻地改变了我的生活. 我对我的 ability to excel as a social worker because I gained practice in handling tough social and ethical situations that I will likely face during my future careers. I developed professional skills that often take years to establish due to my summer experience at B.E.S.T. I will never forget the people I have met this summer, nor my experiences as an intern in “the summer place to be,” but most importantly, I will always be grateful to 火博体育大学 for making this life-changing opportunity possible for me.




Rene Alpert '15

Rene Alpert, 2015届毕业生

This summer I had the amazing opportunity to intern at two organizations that complemented my social work education thanks to the SEE-Beyond Award and the 社会工作部. The SEE-Beyond award is one of the many funded internship awards Skidmore offers to 暑期实习的学生. 我会鼓励任何学生考虑 an unpaid internship to check out the link below and learn how you can get Skidmore funding. Each internship offered me something different and allowed me to explore the social work field through different lenses and with different populations.

My first internship was at Brooklyn Defender Services, which offers legal services 给那些无法聘请律师的客户. 有社会工作者 on staff to place clients in treatment programs and provide verbal and written advocacy for court cases. During my time there I helped find programs, read mitigation reports, attend court, and meet clients to be another member of their support team. At this internship I was able to see what a social worker does in the criminal justice system 还可以练习和客户打交道. 为社会工作的学生考虑法律 school or even ones interested in the criminal justice system, interning at a public defenders office will give you a great chance to see what happens from both a law 社会工作的立场.

My second internship was at a Refugee Youth Summer Academy, run by the International 救援委员会. This Summer Academy was for refugee youth who had limited formal education, but were planning on entering the New York City public school system in the fall. The students were using this summer to get used to formal education so they 去学校会更舒服吗. 我是高中的同伴辅导员 协助学生进行日常课堂活动. 这包括领导小组活动, tutoring, homework help, and most importantly encouraging the students to practice 说英语. As a Peer Counselor, I was also a mentor to my students and offered 我有什么建议吗?. For social work students considering going into an education setting, a summer school will show you what it would be like to work in this type of environment.

If you have any questions about my experience, internships, or the Skidmore awards, 你可以给我发电子邮件 ralpert@brainsquad.net!

Helpful Links

SEE Beyond

国际救援委员会 website. Check out the volunteer section for opportunities to get involved!