

Note: Check the "Index to the Guide" for specific questions about quoting and citing.


You must clearly document the source of the ideas and the words in your writing, but 你不想让无休止的干扰把你的文件弄得乱七八糟. 一些学生错误地 相信引文必须跟在引用材料的每一个句子后面 source. 在脚注/尾注引用格式中,许多学生尽职尽责地注意到每一个 段落中的句子,并在同上一页接一页地写.'s. 很明显,这种重复 不需要注明你的债务来源吗. 如果一个长段落是 致力于总结原始材料,只要你引用一次就足够了 清楚地表明材料来自来源,而不是来自你.

When only one 句子 cites a source, place the citation at the end of that 句子. 通过仔细写作,你可以把自己的想法和别人的想法区分开来 来源:

     阿尔文·托夫勒认为,为了拯救美国的“核心家庭”, we would have to "forcibly drive women back into the kitchen" and prohibit the use 避孕( 210-11). 不用说,我们社会中的大多数女性——更不用说很多女性了 男人会反对这种反动的措施.

     Our current energy supply, still mainly based as it is on fossil fuels and nuclear power, is consumable and centralized; it's a profitable commodity to sell and control. Investors don't want to promote energy sources like wind and solar power; they can't make huge profits or maintain control with such decentralized and renewable resources (托夫勒 132-38).

When you clearly indicate indebtedness to a source, one citation can suffice for an 整段摘要:

     根据托夫勒的说法,在美国的许多影响 late seventies encouraged the development of various family configurations other than 核心家庭. 越来越多的妇女对工作更感兴趣 outside the home at the same time that economic circumstances were making a second 薪水是必需品,而不是奢侈品. 自从节育发明以来 pill, women were now as sexually liberated as men, which put pressure on traditional 家庭关系. 许多成年人公开选择不要孩子. 的确, given these changing attitudes toward the family, if we wanted to "save" the nuclear family, Toffler argues, we would now have to turn back the clock in a number of ways: forcing women to return to being housewives and mothers, banning contraception, cutting the wages available to young families and even cutting the entire standard of living 劝阻单身人士不要试图靠自己过活( 208-25).


使用引号,并在你自己的句子中加入引用的材料. 短 报价s, up to four typed lines of text, should be worked into the fabric of your 自己的语言. 确保包含引文的句子读起来流畅且正确 语法. 用引号来标明出现的单词、短语或段落 直接从一个来源,如以下两个例子:

     Ernest Becker writes, "The process of socialization is characterized by one fundamental and recurring fact: the child's natural urge to move freely forward, to manipulate, 实验,并运用自己的同化能力是不断受阻的”(58).

注意:在介绍性短语之后使用逗号,例如“Ernest Becker写道”.“注意, 此外,括号引用位于结束引号之后.

     欧内斯特·贝克尔(Ernest Becker)写道:“社会化的过程有一个特征 fundamental and recurring fact: the child's natural urge to move freely forward, to manipulate, experiment, and 锻炼 his own assimilative powers is continually blocked" (58).

Note: When the introductory phrase ends in "that" you do not use a comma before the 报价.

Often, you do not need to include a whole 句子 from a source if all you want to Quote是一个单词或短语. 仔细选择引用的材料,这样你就可以控制 句子.

     社会化包括不断地阻碍和挫败“孩子的天性” urge to move freely forward, manipulate, experiment, and 锻炼 his own assimilative 权力”(贝克58).


When you alter the quoted material in any way, you need to indicate to your reader 你已经这么做了. 使用三个点的省略号( ... )来消除…的部分 一个你不想引用的消息来源. 对于句末省略的材料, 给三个省略号加上句号. 也就是说,最后会有四个点 一个句子的. 省略号只能用在引号的中间和末尾; 它们在开始时不使用. 注意,每个点后面都有一个空格. You should take care not to distort the meaning of the original source when you use 椭圆.

     因为社会化包括阻止“孩子的自然冲动” ... 锻炼 他自己的同化能力,”贝克认为所有的人在成长过程中都是神经质的。.


方括号 [ ] indicate words that you, as writer and editor, insert into a quote 澄清它或使它在语法上正确.

The school board candidate then concluded: "Our efforts in this direction [improving 毕业率从未像现在这样有希望.


将拉丁术语原文如此(“因此”)放在括号中,以表明在文本中有明显的错误 原始引用来源. 你想让你的读者知道错误来自 源头并不是来自你自己的粗心大意. 或者,您可以包括更正 在括号内:

The early edition of the Rocky Mountain Post declared Harry Truman the winner of the 1948 presidential election and declared: "Harry's buick [原文如此] stops again in Washington!"

The early edition of the Rocky Mountain Post declared Harry Truman the winner of the 1948 presidential election and declared: "Harry's buick [buck] stops again in Washington!"


Use single 报价 marks when the source you are quoting contains a 报价 within it.

根据精神病学家Arthur Kleinman的说法,火博体育治疗和预后的共识 因为精神疾病会导致“抑郁症、精神分裂症和恐惧症” ‘事物’存在于现实世界吗?”.

例外:在块引号中,如果源包含 里面有一句引语.


Sometimes when you quote a passage, you want your reader to pay attention to a particular 单词或短语. 当你引用的时候,你可以用斜体字或词组,但你必须这样做 向读者表明你已经添加了斜体. 以下是如何做到这一点:

As late as 1929, Pierre Janet, lecturing on mental illness, connected madness to supernatural 超人的能力. 在每一个伟大宗教的发展中,无论是在古代 and in modern times," Janet said, "there have always been strange persons who raised 人群的钦佩是因为他们的天性似乎不同 人类的本性(Janet 8,加上斜体字). 这种区别使疯狂既令人害怕又令人嫉妒.

Besides the addition of italics, notice how the writer broke the 报价 into two 用“珍妮特说”来打断引用的段落.这些中断 帮助你将引用的材料整合到你自己的写作中. 注意,另外, that the writer commented upon the italicized terms in the 句子 that follows the 报价.


在本指南的前面,我们建议你的论文双倍行距. 继续 to use double-spacing when you quote a long passage but indent ten spaces from the 左页空白处,以清楚地区分被封锁的引用和你自己的文本. (之前版本 的MLA样式表使用单行距来分隔引号.)右边距 不需要调整吗. 长篇大论的引语(四行以上的散文); 三行或更多的诗)通常跟在以。结尾的介绍性句子后面 一个冒号. This placement on the page identifies the passage as a 报价; therefore, 不需要在引号的开头和结尾加上引号. 由于块 报价s usually are not part of your own 句子, place the parenthetical citation 在文章的末尾,最后一个句号之后的两个空格. 然而,当一个块 报价 is part of your own 句子, place the period after the parenthetical reference, 就像一个简短的引语.

由于块 报价s usually are not part of your own 句子, place the parenthetical 引文在文章末尾,最后句号后两个空格. 然而,当 a block 报价 is part of your own 句子, place the period after the parenthetical 引用,如简短的引语.

     布朗指出,中国是一个试图直接处理其碳排放问题的国家 本国惊人的人口问题:

     虽然现在大多数国家都正式鼓励计划生育,但中国是第一个 承担全国计划生育工作. 每年,北京都会设立一个全国性的生日 配额是经济总体规划的一个组成部分.... 然后对这些配额进行翻译 into birth permits, made on the basis of the couple's age and their current number 的孩子. 20多岁的新婚夫妇的资格很高 list while a couple in their mid-twenties with a newborn infant might be encouraged 再等几年再要孩子. (158)


所有的引文都必须整合到你的论文中,无论是几句话还是几句话 很多行. 一个好的规则是,你应该至少有同样多的自己的解释 或分析报价,因为有报价. 如果一段引文占了十行, 你至少应该对这句引语加上十行评论. 不要引用 和运行. 在下面的示例中,请注意围绕引文的句子 准备并评论它,引导读者看到它的意义. In this example, the quoted passage begins as a new paragraph, so paragraphing is indicated 通过在被阻塞的引号内缩进.

     贝克尔认为进化是朝着人类思想更自由的方向发展 Than在较低阶中出现:

     因此,心智的发展涉及到从反应中逐渐解脱出来. 机体固有的反应过程不仅是逐渐到来的 从事物的内在属性中获得自由,也从那里得到 赋予它自己的刺激意义. 心智在有机体的选择能力中达到顶峰 它会对什么做出反应. 怀特称之为“无意义意义的交易”.“自然 provided all of life with water, but only man could create the symbol H20 which gave him some command over water, and the word "holy" which gave water special powers that 即使是大自然也无法给予. (7)

正如贝克尔所暗示的那样,只有人类才能承载符号. 符号代表人类的 ability to react selectively to those elements in the environment that connect humans 项. 我们的社区操纵这些符号并控制它们 .

-LS 1级学生(1992级,要求保留姓名).)

记住:引文本身并不能说明问题. 你需要对他们进行评论 解释给你的读者听.


直接的话语或对话应该总是用引号括起来. 在对话中, 说话人的变化通常由一个新的段落来表示.


     “不会出错的. 他的辛迪加不是很成功吗?"


      "Very well; then it stands to reason that he'll succeed in this too. 他不会 undertake it if he didn't know it would succeed; he must have capital.”(Howells, 18)


If you are quoting more than three lines of poetry, quote them line by line as they 出现在诗中,缩进,就像你将一个块引语. 指示行号 在最后一个标点符号后面的括号中.

      在《火博体育官网》(Snake)中,艾米丽·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)用蛇的运动效果来描述她的主题:

            并进一步展开. (5-8)

If you are quoting three lines or fewer, integrate the 报价s into your own 句子, 使用斜杠(/)表示换行. 的末尾指示行号 报价.

      在《火博体育官网》(Snake)中,艾米丽·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)用蛇的运动效果来描述她的主题: “草像梳子一样分开,/可以看到有斑点的茎”(5-6).