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Skidmore College
The Skidmore Guide to Writing


A Works Cited page or References list at the end of your paper does not fulfill your obligation as an honest writer; you must also clearly indicate in the text of your paper which quoted or paraphrased passages, summaries, or ideas come from which sources.

Traditionally academic writers used footnotes or endnotes to provide publishing information. 在正文中插入的上标数字将读者引向底部的注释 这一页或在纸的末尾. 脚注和尾注最为普遍 used system of documentation in the humanities until the Modern Language Association 移动到插入式参考系统. 

Footnotes still appear in humanities papers; their main use is to provide supplemental 不能顺利地或合乎逻辑地融入正文的信息.  Writers frequently use content footnotes to develop interesting points that supplement their main issue 但那可能会妨碍报纸的流通. 在这样的脚注中,你也可以 discuss further complexities of an issue or mention additional sources related to the footnoted point. 如果使用得当,内容脚注可以增加吸引力 侧重点和富有成效的资源,以追求正在讨论的要点.

由于一些学科,尤其是历史,仍然喜欢脚注,请查阅 你的教授,看看他们是喜欢括号注释还是脚注.


  • 在被引用的作品列表中清楚地注明某一部作品. Usually an author's last name will suffice.
  • 尽可能明确地指出借阅材料的确切位置. Cite 特定信息的页码.
  • 通过尽可能简短的引用来保持文本的可读性.


Place parenthetical references at the end of the sentence but before the final period:

由于世界上大部分可用的耕地已经被使用,我们不能指望 通过寻找更多可用土地来解决世界粮食短缺问题(Brown 31-34).

有时,你可以选择把你的参考文献放在句子中来表明 它记录了句子的哪一部分:

Despite Brown's insistence that "achieving a stationary population will be painfully difficult if contraceptive services are not backed by legal abortion" (154), the Reagan administration did its best to fight legal abortions at home and to discourage them abroad.

The standard MLA parenthetical reference includes an author's last name and page numbers. Note that there is no comma between the author's name and the page number and no "p" before the page number:

One historian argues that Jesus clearly rejected many of the Hebrew attitudes towards women (Grant 83-86).

当作者在你的句子中明确指出时,你只需要包括页面 numbers in parentheses:

As Grant has pointed out, the women who followed Jesus "remained conspicuously faithful 直到他死后,都以极大的忠心和聪明待他 ... all the other apostles" (85).

To cite an entire work rather than a specific passage, give the author's name and 去掉句子中的标题,并省略任何插入的参考资料。

Writing in 耶稣:福音书的历史观点, Michael Grant argues that much can be learned about the life of Jesus by applying 将历史的方法转化为保存下来的书面记录.

When your sources include more than one work by the same author, distinguish among 他们通过使用缩写版本的标题. 你也可以包括完整的标题 in your sentence. 用逗号将作者和标题分开:

Current societal problems, like increased drug abuse, pointless violence, and political 虚无主义,很可能是我们在应对心理困难时的症状 当前快速的社会变化速度(托夫勒, Future 343).

In The Third Wave, Toffler argues that the "Represento-Kit," including all the mechanisms we associate with representative democracy, has been embraced by capitalists and socialists alike (72-73).

When no author is given, cite a work by its title or a shortened form of the title:

The most famous of the medieval morality plays concerns one man's struggle to give 放下对世俗事物的依恋,为死亡做好准备(“普通人”).

I如果你引用的资料本身已经被引用过,请注明“qtd”. in' before the name of your source:

Richard Harrington notes that sleep deprivation has been a persistent problem among overseas flight crews, and it often manifests itself in drowsiness and inattentiveness 在电脑化的747飞机驾驶舱里,“机组人员大部分时间都呆在那里 一个黑暗的环境,被喷气式发动机的嗡嗡声所催眠,一切都变得微不足道 更多的活动,而不是监控刻度盘和屏幕. in Stenson 36).

Literature in-text citations

Common editions: 在你们的很多文学课上,每个人都会使用通用的 edition. 在这种情况下,如果你的教授建议,你可以只引用 出现参考文献的页码. 例如,如果每个人都使用相同的 edition of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, and there are no other of Conrad's works being read, you could cite just the page 引用中篇小说时的数字(88). 如果你讨论的是两个常见的版本 works by different authors, simply add the authors' last names: (Conrad 86) and (Forster 17). When you are discussing two common editions by the same author, simply distinguish in abbreviation between the two works: for example, (HD 18) and (LJ 44), for Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Forster's Lord Jim respectively.

Multiple editions: Because novels, plays, and poems are printed in many editions, the Modern Language Association recommends that when you cite a classical work of literature (one with numerous editions), you provide information in addition to page numbers so that readers 使用不同的版本可以找到你引用的段落. After the page number, add a semicolon and other appropriate information, using lowercase abbreviations such as pt., sec., ch.  在某些情况下,你的教授会要求你省略这一页 参考和引用的行为,场景,和行号. 使用阿拉伯数字或罗马数字, or a combination of both:

In Shakespeare's King Lear, the Fool chides Lear that "Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise" (426; I.iv.48) or (1.4.48).

Poetry: When citing poetry, cite the section number (if appropriate) and line number, or, 没有行号的诗,按标题:

In "Broadway," Walt Whitman wistfully remarks of its citizenry, "Could but thy flagstones, 路边,门面,讲述着无数的故事”(第七行).

Classic verse plays and poems: When you cite classical verse plays and poems, the MLA recommends that you omit all 页码,分割和线条. 用句号分隔不同的数字. It is also common practice to use appropriate abbreviations to cite certain well-known works. For example, Od. 7.126指的是第七卷,荷马的126行 Odyssey.

The MLA prefers Arabic numerals to Roman numerals to indicate divisions and page numbers. Some instructors still prefer to use Roman numerals for documenting scenes in plays (Hamlet IV).  如果你的老师不坚持这样做,使用阿拉伯数字(Hamlet, 4. 1.).

A book from the Bible: 引用《火博体育官网》中的一本书时,要引用章节和节数. Do not underline 或者用引号把圣经的名字括起来(创世记25章).8)

Note: In common practice, you include the Bible only in your in-text citation, not 在你的作品引用中,但要和你的教授核实.


在APA格式中,每个释义、摘要、引文、研究等. is followed by the last name of the author, the date of the publication, and (when needed for quotations) exact page references. 当你清楚地提到作者和/或日期时 在文本中,不需要重复括号引用中的信息. More 参考书目中提供了大量的参考书目信息. The following 将是APA系统中文本引用的一个例子:

Indeed, Halpern (1997) says that some research has shown that increased levels of testosterone typically lead to greater visual-spatial ability and lower verbal ability.

Past studies have indicated that differences in the cognitive abilities of the sexes vary over time, which makes it difficult to argue that these differences are innate (Huguet & Regner, 2007).

元认知可以简单地理解为思考火博体育思考的思考. Flavell has elaborated on this basic notion, defining metacognition as "knowledge that takes as its object 或调节认知努力的任何方面”(1984,p . 491).353). 

The role of metacognition has been a focus in recent studies in regard to both first language reading (Baker & Brown, 1984; Brown, 1980; Garner, 1987; Gordon, 1980) and second language reading (Block, 1986, 1992; Carrel, 1989; Carrel, Pharis and Liberto, 1989; Devine, 1984, 1988).